Remote administration
One of the most administrator-friendly features of CompleteFTP is the capability to install the CompleteFTP Manager application on a separate machine to that of the server application. This allows remote administration of your CompleteFTP servers. The Manager can be installed on as many machines as you wish, in order to make life easier for your administration team. You can even install it outside the local network, allowing administrators to control CompleteFTP servers from home.
Excellent User-Friendly App
The Manager is a user-friendly app that lets you manage your CompleteFTP server securely and efficiently. It provides full control of every feature.

Once connected you will be greeted with a comprehensive overview of your server’s file transfer setup, including (dependent on edition) servers, sites, users, folders, and authenticators.
We have not left anything to chance, and if you prefer, we also offer the capability to manage your admin site via a web browser, using our Web Admin app. You can even connect using any SSH client and do command-line administration!