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in CompleteFTP by (360 points)
We are evaluating CompleteFTP and have turned on HTTPS access.

When I use FireFox I can log in and then drag a file into the file window the icon for the file I am dragging changes the file is automatically moved (uploaded) to the folder.

When I do the same thing in IE (v11 in compatibility mode), but the result is that IE gives me options to save or open the file I was dragging (not move or upload the file). The only option I see in IE is to use the Upload button and select the file from my file system.

So, is there a setting in IE to allow Drop and Drag?

9 Answers

0 votes
by (51.4k points)
Unfortunately this is a bug that we weren't aware of. We're still trying to diagnose it and will get back to you tomorrow.

- Hans (EnterpriseDT)
0 votes
by (360 points)
Thanks you Hans!

FYI: Windows 8.1, IE 11, CompleteFTP v8.1.4, CompleteFTP Web file manager using elFinder Version: 2.0 rc1, protocol version: 2.0, jQuery/jQuery UI: 1.8.0/1.8.23
0 votes
by (51.4k points)
It turns out that the reason why it behaves like this in IE is simply that drag-and-drop support is not enabled. The behaviour that you're seeing is therefore the browser trying to open the file that you're dragging onto it; it's got nothing to do with our file-manager software. I think the reason why it's not enabled in IE is that IE didn't support drag-and-drop until relatively recently (IE10).

I've had a look at the complexity of adding drag-and-drop support in IE and it looks like it's non-trivial so it's not something we can promise you in the short term. I'll add it to our list of feature requests though.

Hans - EnterpriseDT
0 votes
by (360 points)
I appreciate the information. What doesn't make sense is that yo indicated that IE supports drop and drag as of v10 and I am on v11. Is there a setting in IT that I can change to turn this on?
0 votes
by (51.4k points)
I'm sorry I wasn't clear. Although IE10+ supports it, our drag-and-drop code doesn't appear to be compatible with it. I experimented with it a bit and managed to get the file-view to highlight when I dragged a file over it, but the drop events didn't fire as expected. I don't expect it to be too difficult to get it to work, but we just don't have time at the moment.

- Hans (EnterpriseDT)
0 votes
by (360 points)
Got it!

This will be a significant feature for us, as we are trying to replace our ShareFile site and it is supported in it. Our clients are not PC savvy and Dropping a file is much easier than navigating to it.
0 votes
by (51.4k points)
OK, I see, so we have a new version of the web-interface with IE drag-and-drop available for you to try. Could you please e-mail [url=mailto:support@enterprisedt.com]support@enterprisedt.com[/url] so that we can send it to you?

- Hans (EnterpriseDT)
0 votes
by (161k points)
Drag and drop for the web file manager has just been released in 8.1.5.
0 votes
by (360 points)
We appreciate it!

