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–1 vote
in .NET FTP by (150 points)
edtEFTPnetPRO version: and olders.

We are receiving when trying to execute a ChDir operation the following error, (errorCode=2, errorMessage=No such file). We are connected, we can transfer a file using edt package to the root path but cannot do the ChangeWorking directory operation. The directory exists and we were able to connect, get into the directory and copy a file using FileZilla and the same user to be sure of having the same permissions.

Tell me if this error log is enough to figure out what's happening and if it can be avoided upgrading to a new version:

DEBUG [SSH2Channel] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.584 :  Transmit 14 bytes
ALL [ChannelDataWindow] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.584 :  ConsumeWindowSpace: windowSpace=2097073, count=14
DEBUG [ChannelDataWindow] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.584 :  Remote window size decreased to 2097059
DEBUG [PlainSocket] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.584 :  Sent 52 bytes (NoDelay=True, SendBufferSize=65536, ReceiveBufferSize=65536)
DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.584 :  Packet written to socket
DEBUG [PlainSocket] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 : FTPConnection.2 Receive received 68 bytes
DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 : FTPConnection.2 ProcessPacket pt=SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
ALL [SFTPMessageProcessor] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 : FTPConnection.2 NextMessageLength=24
DEBUG [SFTPMessageFactory] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 : FTPConnection.2 CreateMessage (bufferlength=37,offset=13,length=24,type=101)
DEBUG [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 : FTPConnection.2 ErrorCode|Status=0
DEBUG [SFTPMessageStore] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 : FTPConnection.2 AddMessage(6) - added to store
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  Reply : Name=SSH_FXP_STATUS,Type=101,RequestID=6
DEBUG [FTPConnection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  ChangeWorkingDirectory('/To_CIS/')
DEBUG [SSHFTPClient] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  ChDir(/To_CIS/)
DEBUG [SSHFTPClient] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  ResolveRemotePath('/To_CIS/'); [cwd='/']
DEBUG [SSHFTPClient] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  Resolved to '/To_CIS'
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  Send : Name=SSH_FXP_REALPATH,Type=16,RequestID=7
DEBUG [SSH2Channel] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  Transmit 20 bytes
ALL [ChannelDataWindow] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  ConsumeWindowSpace: windowSpace=2097059, count=20
DEBUG [ChannelDataWindow] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  Remote window size decreased to 2097039
DEBUG [PlainSocket] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  Sent 68 bytes (NoDelay=True, SendBufferSize=65536, ReceiveBufferSize=65536)
DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.631 :  Packet written to socket
DEBUG [PlainSocket] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 Receive received 84 bytes
DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 ProcessPacket pt=SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
ALL [SFTPMessageProcessor] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 NextMessageLength=35
DEBUG [SFTPMessageFactory] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 CreateMessage (bufferlength=48,offset=13,length=35,type=104)
DEBUG [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 SSH_FXP_NAME: requestID=7, 1 files
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 count=0,short=/To_CIS
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 count=0,long=/To_CIS
ALL [SFTPFileAttributes] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 flags=0
DEBUG [SFTPMessageStore] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 : FTPConnection.2 AddMessage(7) - added to store
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 :  Reply : Name=SSH_FXP_NAME,Type=104,RequestID=7
To_CIS [AP=/To_CIS, O=False, Valid flags=0, US=, G=, D=False, F=False, LI=False, R=False, W=False, AT=0, AD=1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM, MT=0, MD=1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM, P=0, S=0, U=, LN=/To_CIS]
DEBUG [SFTPSubsystem] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 :  Opening directory /To_CIS
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 :  Send : Name=SSH_FXP_OPENDIR,Type=11,RequestID=8
DEBUG [SSH2Channel] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 :  Transmit 20 bytes
ALL [ChannelDataWindow] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 :  ConsumeWindowSpace: windowSpace=2097039, count=20
DEBUG [ChannelDataWindow] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 :  Remote window size decreased to 2097019
DEBUG [PlainSocket] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 :  Sent 68 bytes (NoDelay=True, SendBufferSize=65536, ReceiveBufferSize=65536)
DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.678 :  Packet written to socket
DEBUG [PlainSocket] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 : FTPConnection.2 Receive received 52 bytes
DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 : FTPConnection.2 ProcessPacket pt=SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
ALL [SFTPMessageProcessor] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 : FTPConnection.2 NextMessageLength=10
DEBUG [SFTPMessageFactory] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 : FTPConnection.2 CreateMessage (bufferlength=23,offset=13,length=10,type=102)
DEBUG [SFTPMessageStore] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 : FTPConnection.2 AddMessage(8) - added to store
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 :  Reply : Name=SSH_FXP_HANDLE,Type=102,RequestID=8
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 :  Send : Name=SSH_FXP_STAT,Type=17,RequestID=9
DEBUG [SSH2Channel] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 :  Transmit 20 bytes
ALL [ChannelDataWindow] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 :  ConsumeWindowSpace: windowSpace=2097019, count=20
DEBUG [ChannelDataWindow] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 :  Remote window size decreased to 2096999
DEBUG [PlainSocket] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 :  Sent 68 bytes (NoDelay=True, SendBufferSize=65536, ReceiveBufferSize=65536)
DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.772 :  Packet written to socket
DEBUG [PlainSocket] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 : FTPConnection.2 Receive received 84 bytes
DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 : FTPConnection.2 ProcessPacket pt=SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
ALL [SFTPMessageProcessor] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 : FTPConnection.2 NextMessageLength=29
DEBUG [SFTPMessageFactory] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 : FTPConnection.2 CreateMessage (bufferlength=42,offset=13,length=29,type=101)
DEBUG [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 : FTPConnection.2 ErrorCode|Status=2
DEBUG [SFTPMessageStore] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 : FTPConnection.2 AddMessage(9) - added to store
ALL [SFTPMessage] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 :  Reply : Name=SSH_FXP_STATUS,Type=101,RequestID=9
errorMessage=No such file
ERROR [SFTPSubsystem] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 :  OpenDirectory: No such file
ERROR [FTPConnection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 :  ChangeWorkingDirectory error: No such file
DEBUG [FTPTaskProcessor] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 :  Purging task queue
DEBUG [FTPConnection] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 :  Closing connection [instance=1,abrupt=False]
DEBUG [SSHFTPClient] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 :  Quit() called
DEBUG [SSHChannel] 4 Oct 2022 14:29:58.803 :  Closing channel 0

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (162k points)
selected by
Best answer
This will most likely be resolved by upgrading to the latest version.

