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in Java FTP by (250 points)


We are getting this error on certain files 


TRACE:2024-07-11 17:02:46 ERROR [SftpClient] 11 Jul 2024 17:02:46.169 : get(/Outgoing/HD_FINAL_MARCH_2024_GE_835_20240710.txt) failed : FXP_READ mismatch. Requested: 65535 received: 32768

com.enterprisedt.net.j2ssh.transport.SFTPReadMismatchException: FXP_READ mismatch. Requested: 65535 received: 32768

at com.enterprisedt.net.j2ssh.SftpClient.a(SftpClient.java:733)         at com.enterprisedt.net.j2ssh.SftpClient.get(SftpClient.java:944)         at com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.ssh.SSHFTPClient.get(SSHFTPClient.java:1379)


and saw in one reply to call setMaxQueuedReadRequests(1) prior to connection.

First question is what this actually accomplishes and secondly was wondering if it's also possible to set it through JVM System Properties with -D

which would make it much easier to configure things for compiled code instead of having

to add it in Java and re-compile



1 Answer

0 votes
by (163k points)

The server doesn't appear to support queued requests (which is a speed optimization), so you may need to call setMaxQueuedReadRequests(1). There's no way to set it through system properties, unfortunately.

by (250 points)
Thanks for the quick answer! Appreciate it.

Does this look ok to you?

SSHFTPClient ftp = new SSHFTPClient();


by (163k points)
Yes, that's how to do it - prior to connecting.
by (250 points)
Thanks, gong to try it out.

