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in Java FTP by (110 points)


Recently, for one of our customer's SFTP host, although connection is made, chdir() is occurring "2 No such file". FYI, dir() looks good. Also put() in the root directory works fine. I can manually access the host and change directory. Please let me know the root cause.

String[] dirs = thisClient.dir();
if ( dirs != null )
    for (String s: dirs )
      System.out.println("1 - thisClient.connected() = " + thisClient.connected()  + ", dir = " + s);
System.out.println("2 - thisClient.connected() = " + thisClient.connected() + ", args=" + ((String) args[0]));
  System.out.println("3 - thisClient.connected() = " + thisClient.connected() + ", args=" + ((String) args[0]));
catch (Exception ex1)
  System.out.println("4 - thisClient.connected() = " + thisClient.connected() + ", args=" + ((String) args[0])
  + ", ex1.getCause=" + ex1.getCause() + ", ex1.message=" + ex1) ;

1 - thisClient.connected() = true, dir = test1

1 - thisClient.connected() = true, dir = test2

2 - thisClient.connected() = true, args=test1

4 - thisClient.connected() = true, args=test1, ex1.getCause=null, ex1.message=com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.FTPException: 2 No such file



by (162k points)
I don't think we can answer this question without a full debug log. Please open a ticket on our Jira support portal and supply your details and the log at https://enterprisedt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1.

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