I've just started to evaluat edtftpPro as a tool to connect to an F-Secure SFTP server site.
When attempting to access the site with either username/password or keys, I receive the error "Server does not support hmac-sha1 for mac".
Is there somewhere I can what hashing algorithm to use?
EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.Ssh.SFTPException: Server does not support hmac-sha1 for mac
at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.Ssh.SSHFTPClient.Connect()
at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.SecureFTPConnection.Connect()
Dim sReturn As String = String.Empty
' Instantiate SecureFTPConnection
Dim ftpConnection As New SecureFTPConnection
With ftpConnection
' set the license
.LicenseOwner = "trialuser"
.LicenseKey = "816-6818-2723-6500"
.Protocol = FileTransferProtocol.SFTP
'' setting server address and credentials
.ServerAddress = serverAddress
.ServerPort = serverPort
.ServerValidation = SecureFTPServerValidationType.AutomaticNoNameCheck
.KnownHosts.AddKnownHost("xxx", "C:\Data\AAAAKeyFiles\hostkeys\key_xxx.pub")
.UserName = userName
' set the client's private key
.ClientPrivateKeyFile = "C:\Data\AAAAKeyFiles\userkeys\id_dsa_2048_a"
.Password = ""
End With
sReturn = "Connecting to server " & serverAddress + vbCrLf
sReturn += "Working directory is " & ftpConnection.ServerDirectory
Catch ex As Exception
sReturn += "Error: " + vbCrLf + ex.ToString
End Try
Return sReturn