edtFTPnet/Free - Open-source FTP component for .NET | Download


Public classBandwidthThrottler
Helps throttle bandwidth for transfers
Public classBytesTransferredEventArgs
Event args for BytesTransferred event
Public classControlChannelIOException
Thrown when the client receives an invalid reply to a command.
Public classDirectoryEmptyStrings
Contains fragments of server replies that indicate no files were found in a supplied directory.
Public classFileNotFoundStrings
Contains fragments of server replies that indicate that a file was not found.
Public classFileTransferException
Exceptions specific to file transfer protocols
Public classFTPActiveDataSocket
Active data socket handling class
Public classFTPAuthenticationException
FTP authentication exceptions
Public classFTPCancelableEventArgs
Base-class for EventArgs classes associated with cancelable events.
Public classFTPClient
Provides low-level access to FTP operations. FTPConnection provides a superior interface and is recommended for general use.
Public classFTPConnection
Provides FTP client functionality.
Public classFTPConnectionClosedException
Thrown when the server terminates the connection
Public classFTPConnectionEventArgs
Provides data for the Connecting and Connected events.
Public classFTPControlSocket
Supports client-side FTP operations
Public classFTPDataSocket
Interface for data socket classes, whether active or passive
Public classFTPDirectoryEventArgs
Provides data for the DirectoryChanging and DirectoryChanged events.
Public classFTPDirectoryListEventArgs
Provides data for the DirectoryListing and DirectoryListed events.
Public classFTPErrorEventArgs
Provides data for error events.
Public classFTPEventArgs
Base for all event argument classes.
Public classFTPException
FTP specific exceptions
Public classFTPFile
Represents a remote file (implementation)
Public classFTPFileFactory
Factory for creating FTPFile objects
Public classFTPFileParser
Root class of all file parsers
Public classFTPFileRenameEventArgs
Provides data for the RenamingFile and RenamedFile events.
Public classFTPFileTransferEventArgs
Provides data for the Uploading, Uploaded, Downloading, and Downloaded events.
Public classFTPLogInEventArgs
Provides data for the LoggingIn and LoggedIn events.
Public classFTPMessageEventArgs
Event args for ReplyReceived and CommandSent events
Public classFTPPassiveDataSocket
Passive data socket handling class
Public classFTPReply
Encapsulates the FTP server reply
Public classFTPTransferCancelledException
Thrown when a recursive operation is aborted.
Public classMalformedReplyException
Thrown when the client receives an invalid reply to a command.
Public classOS400FileParser
Represents a remote OS400 file parser.
Public classPortRange
Specifies a TCP port range defining the lower and upper limits for data-channels.
Public classPropertyOrderAttribute
Public classRestartParsingException
Signals to restart the parsing from first file
Public classServerStrings
Manages strings that match various FTP server replies for various situations. The strings are not exact copies of server replies, but rather fragments that match server replies (so that as many servers as possible can be supported). All fragments are managed internally in upper case to make matching faster.
Public classTandemFileParser
Represents a remote Tandem file parser.
Public classTransferCompleteStrings
Contains fragments of server replies that a transfer completed
Public classTransferEventArgs
Event args for TransferStarted/Complete
Public classUnixFileParser
Represents a remote Unix file parser
Public classUnixFileParser2
Custom file parser for an unusual Unix FTP server that returns LIST listings in the form of -r-------- GMETECHNOLOGY 1 TSI 8 Nov 06 11:00:25 ,GMETECHNOLOGY,file02.csv,U,20071106A00001105190.txt
Public classVMSFileParser
Represents a remote OpenVMS file parser
Public classWindowsFileParser
Represents a remote Windows file parser


Public interfaceIFileTransferClient
Public interfaceIFTPComponent
Interface implemented by all FTP components.


Public delegateBytesTransferredHandler
Delegate used for the BytesTransferred event
Public delegateFTPConnectionEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the Connecting and Connected events.
Public delegateFTPDirectoryEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the DirectoryChanging and DirectoryChanged events.
Public delegateFTPDirectoryListEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the DirectoryListing and DirectoryListed events.
Public delegateFTPErrorEventHandler
Delegate for error events.
Public delegateFTPFileCallback
Delegate for passing a single FTPFile object. Used in directory-listing callbacks.
Public delegateFTPFileRenameEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the RenamingFile and RenamedFile events.
Public delegateFTPFileTransferEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the Uploading, Uploaded, Downloading, and Downloaded events.
Public delegateFTPLogInEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the LoggingIn and LoggedIn events.
Public delegateFTPMessageHandler
Delegate used for ReplyReceived and CommandSent events
Public delegateTransferHandler
Delegate used for TransferStarted and TransferComplete events


Public enumerationFileTransferProtocol
Specifies types of File Transfer Protocols.
Public enumerationFTPConnectMode
Enumerates the connect modes that are possible, active and passive.
Public enumerationFTPFileTransferEventArgs..::..DataType
Type of data source or destination.
Public enumerationFTPFilterType
Specifies different types of filters.
Public enumerationFTPTransferType
Enumerates the transfer types possible. We support only the two common types, ASCII and Image (often called binary).
Public enumerationLineTerminatorType
Type of line terminator to use
Public enumerationTransferDirection
Enumerates the possible transfer directions