
 * Root object of the System API, used for accessing the CompleteFTP server's internal state. Accessed
 * via the global variable 'system'.
 * @namespace
var system = {

	 * Log in using the given user-name and password, or throws an exception indicating that the user could not be authenticated.
	 * Until this function is invoked the active user will be the 'anonymous' user.
	 * Logins are associated with session IDs, which are stored in a cookie named "__cftp_sessid".  Cookies must therefore be
	 * enabled for logins to work.  Users must be set up within CompleteFTP.  If users are to be managed from within the
	 * web-app then CompleteFTP's database authentication should be used in combination with the server-side WebSQLDatabase
	 * feature (see {@link system#openDatabaseSync openDatabaseSync}).  Use the {@link system#user user} property to access 
	 * information about the active user.
	 * @method
	 * @param {String} userName User-name
	 * @param {String} password Password
	 * @param {Boolean} [usePublicFolderAsRoot] If `true` the /Public folder will appear
	 * as the root directory (useful for web-apps), otherwise the user's own home folder will be the root.
	 * @param {Boolean} [persistentCookie] If `true` the session cookie will be persistent,
	 * meaning that the user will remain logged in between browser restarts.  If `false`, the cookie
	 * will not be persistent, so the session will end when the browser exits.
	login: function (userName, password, usePublicFolderAsRoot, persistentCookie) { },

	 * Checks if a user is logged in and throws an 'unauthorized access' exception if not.  In HTTP, this will result in a 401
	 * error being returned to the client.  A function may optionally be passed in if additional checks are required.  This function
	 * will trigger an exception if it returns a string or if it throws an exception.
	 * @method
	 * @param {String} [extraCheckFunction] Optional function that can implement checks in addition to the default login check.
	 * If this function returns a string or throws an exception then an error will be triggered with message returned or thrown.
	checkLogin: function (extraCheckFunction) { },

	 * Log out the current user.
	 * @method
	logout: function () { },

	 * Returns an array of PasswordResetInfo objects for users that match the given user-name or email address.
	 * @method
	 * @param {String} userNameOrEmail User-name or email address.
	 * @return {PasswordResetInfo[]}
	getPasswordResetInfo: function(userNameOrEmail) { },

	 * Returns an array of PasswordResetInfo objects for users that match the given user-name or email address.
	 * @method
	 * @param {String} userNameOrEmail User-name or email address.
	 * @return {Object}
	processPasswordReset: function(passwordResetKey, password) { },

	 * Returns a {@link File} object for the given path.  
	 * The File object may or may not represent an existing file or directory.
	 * @method
	 * @param {String} path Path of file
	 * @return {File}
	getFile: function (path) { },

	 * Opens a connection to the database with the given connection-string.  The `connectionString` must be
	 * either the virtual file-system path of an SQLite or SQL Server Compact file, or a 
	 * prefixed [database connection-string](  The prefixes are shown below:
	 * | Connection-type | Prefix | File-extension | Database DLLs required? |
	 * |---|---|---|---|
	 * | SQLite | sqlite:<sup>*</sup> | .sqlite3 | no |
	 * | SQL Server Compact | sqlserverce:<sup>*</sup> | .sdf | no |
	 * | SQL Server | sqlserver: | n/a | no |
	 * | ODBC | odbc: | n/a | no |
	 * | OLE DB | oledb: | n/a | yes<sup>**</sup> |
	 * <i><sup>*</sup> - Prefixes are only required for SQLite and SQL Server Compact if the listed file-extension
	 * isn't being used.</i>
	 * <i><sup>**</sup> - For OLE DB connections the DLLs for the specific database being accessed must be placed in the same directory
	 * as the CompleteFTP server executables.</i>
	 * @method
	 * @param {String} connectionString Connection-string.
	 * @return {DatabaseSync}
	openDatabaseSync: function (connectionString) { },

	 * Executes a custom command and returns the result.  Custom commands are methods that
	 * have been implemented in <a href="../html/sitecommandextensions.html">.NET Custom Command Extensions</a>
	 * and <a href="../html/jsssitecommandextensions.html">JSS Custom Command Scripts</a>.
	 * There are some inbuilt commands, including <a href="../html/commandadmin.html">administration commands</a>
	 * and the file-sharing commands (<a href="">ask support</a>), but
	 * you can also add your own.
	 * @method
	 * @param {String} commandName Name of the custom command (e.g. "useradd")
	 * @param {String[]} [parameters] Arguments to be passed to the command.
	 * @return {String} Result of the command.
	executeCustomCommand: function (commandName, parameters) { },

	 * Get information about the current state of the system.
	 * @method
	 * @return {Monitor} Object containing information about the current state of the system.
	getMonitor: function () { },

	 * Represents the CompleteFTP site that is serving up this script.
	 * @type {SiteInfo}
	site: {},

	 * Represents the current server.
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @property {String} name Name of the server.
	 * @property {String[]} ipAddresses IP addresses available on the server.
	server: {
		name: "",
		ipAddresses: []

	 * Represents the currently logged in user or the anonymous user, if a user isn't logged in.
	 * The object has the properties listed below, as well as a method `changePassword(newPassword)`, 
	 * which changes the password of the user to `newPassword`.
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @property {String} fullName Full name of the user
	 * @property {String} email Email address of user
	 * @property {String} description Description of user
	 * @property {String} userName User-name of the user (excluding any domain-name).
	 * @property {String} fullUserName Full user-name of the user (including any domain-name).
	 * @property {String} domainName Domain-name of the user.
	 * @property {Boolean} isAnonymous True if no user is currently logged in.
	 * @property {String} homeFolder Absolute path of the user's home-folder.
	 * @property {String} apparentHomeFolder Path of the user's home-folder as it appears to the user.
	 * @property {String} uniqueID string that's unique for every user, including those authenticated by authenticators.
	 * @property {Boolean} sharingEnabled True is sharing is enabled for this user.
	 * @property {Boolean} tfaEnabled True if two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled.
	 * @property {Boolean} tfaInitialized True if the user has activated a 2FA device (can be set).
	 * @property {Boolean} tfaValidated True if the user has entered a valid 2FA PIN in the current session (can be set).
	 * @property {Array} tfaBackupPINs Array of strings representing the user's 2FA backup PINs (can be set).
	 * @property {Boolean} mustChangePassword True if the user must change their password when they log in
	 * @property {Boolean} allowChangePassword True if the user is able to change their password
	 * @property {Object} tags Encapsulates a set of name-value pairs whose lifetime is that of the session.
	 * Methods:
	 *  - **set(name, value)** sets the value of the named tag.
	 *  - **get(name)** gets the value of the named tag.
	 *  - **remove(name)** removes the named tag.
	 *  - **clear()** removes all tags.
	user: {
		fullName: "",
		email: "",
		description: "",
		userName: "",
		fullUserName: "",
		domainName: "",
		isAnonymous: true,
		sharingEnabled: true,
		tfaEnabled: true,
		tfaInitialized: true,
		tfaValidated: true,
		tfaBackupPINs: [],
		homeFolder: "",
		apparentHomeFolder: "",
		uniqueID: "",
		verifyPassword: function (password) { },
		changePassword: function (password) { },
		tags: {
			set: function (name, value) { },
			get: function (name) { },
			remove: function (name) { },
			clear: function () { }

	 * Password policy applied to new passwords.
	 * The object has the properties listed below:
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @property {Boolean} allowChange True if users are allowed to change their own password.
	 * @property {Number} minLength Minimum number of characters required.
	 * @property {Boolean} mustHaveMixedCase True if passwords must have at least one upper-case and at least one lower-case letter.
	 * @property {Boolean} mustHaveDigit True if passwords must include at least one digit.
	 * @property {Boolean} mustHaveSpecialChar True if passwords must include at least one of the following characters: !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:
	 * @property {Number} expirySoftDays Number of days since last password change until they are required to change their password when they log in. Null (default) means never.
	 * @property {Number} expiryHardDays Number of days since last password change until a password expires, preventing the user from logging in. Null (default) means never.
	passwordPolicy: {
		allowChange: true,
		minLength: 0,
		mustHaveMixedCase: true,
		mustHaveDigit: true,
		mustHaveSpecialChar: true

	 * The current working directory for the current session.  Can be read and assigned.
	 * @type {string}
	currentFolder: "",

	 * [Admins only] sudo = Super-User DO.  Like its UNIX counterpart, this function executes the given action in the
	 * admin user context.  Windows resources will be accessed in the context of the user that's running the
	 * CompleteFTP service, which by default is SYSTEM.  Care should be taken when using this function as
	 * the admin user has much greater permissions than non-admin users, so there is a higher potential
	 * for misbehaviour.  This function may only be executed by members of the admins group or by scripts
	 * that are owned by members of the admin group.
	 * @method
	 * @param {Function} action Function containing the actions to be run in the admin user context.
	sudo: function (action) { },

	* [Admins only] Returns a {@link Config} object representing the current configuration of CompleteFTP server.
	* This function may only be executed by members of the admins group or by scripts
	* that are owned by members of the admin group.
	* @method
	* @return {Config}
	getConfig: function () { },

	 * [Admins only] Change configuration of CompleteFTP server via a callback function. The callback function
	 * passed in as an argument is called with a Config object as an argument. Changes made to this object will
	 * be applied automatically after the callback function returns unless and exception is thrown in the callback
	 * function.  Calling this method will give the same result as calling getConfig(), making changes to the returned
	 * object and calling applyChanges() on that object.
	 * @method
	 * @param {ChangeConfigCallback} callback Callback function that takes a Config object as an argument.
	changeConfig: function (callback) { },

	 * Callback used by the changeConfig method.
	 * @callback ChangeConfigCallback
	 * @param {Config} config Object encapsulating the CompleteFTP configuration.

	 * Returns the type and fingerprint of key stored in the encodedKey argument, as well as the same key in OpenSSH format,
	 * which is the format CompleteFTP uses to store key internally. 
	 * @method
	 * @return {PublicKeyInfo} Key information or null if the key could not be parsed. 
	getPublicKeyInfo: function (encodedKey) { },

	 * HTML included in .htmljss files. Files with the extension, .htmljss, may have a literal HTML at the beginning and
	 * then JSS code after a line containing the comment, <!-- SERVER-SIDE -->. This variable contains the HTML.
	 * @type {string}
	inlineHtml: "",

	 * Path of script previously executed in this request (see nextScriptPath). JSS scripts can be chained together such that, 
	 * after one JSS script is executed, another JSS script is executed before the response is returned.
	 * @type {string}
	previouscriptPath: "",

	 * Path of script to be executed next (before the HTTP response is returned). JSS scripts can be chained together such that, 
	 * after one JSS script is executed, another JSS script is executed before the response is returned. This is done by setting
	 * the nextScriptPath field. If the field is not set then the HTTP response, as it's currently set, will be returned.
	 * @type {string}
	nextScriptPath: "",

	* Provides the APIs for managing the logged=in user's shared files.
	* @type {ShareAPI}
	shares: null

 * Contains information about a site
 * @typedef {Object} SiteInfo
 * @property {String} name Name of the site.  This name is not shown to users.
 * @property {String} label Name of the site shown to users where required, such as in two-factor authentication (Enterprise Edition)..
 * @property {String} welcomeMessage Welcome-message of the site.
 * @property {SingleSignOn} singleSignOn Single Sign-on (SAML) settings.
 * @property {String} loginPath Path to the login page (usually /Login).
 * @property {Boolean} publicAccessEnabled True if public HTTP/HTTPS access is enabled on this site.
 * @property {Boolean} httpEnabled True if HTTP is enabled on this site.
 * @property {Boolean} httpsEnabled True if HTTPS is enabled on this site.
 * @property {Boolean} sharingEnabled True if sharing is enabled on this site.
 * @property {Boolean} tfaEnabled True if two-factor authentication is enabled on this site.
 * @property {Boolean} allowOverWriteOnRename True if existing files with same names will be overwritten when renaming.
 * @property {String} logoutPath Path to the logout page (usually /Logout).
 * @property {String} accountPath Path to the account management page (usually /Account)
 * @property {String} includePath Path to the include folder (usually /Invluce)
 * @property {SiteCertificate} certificate Site certificate.

 * Provides access to JWK objects representing the site's certificate and that certificate's public key, as well
 * as methods for decrypting and encrypting strings with the certificate's private key.
 * @typedef {Object} SiteCertificate
 * @property {function(): string} toJWK Returns the site certificate as a JWK object.
 * @property {function(): string} publicKeyToJWK Returns the site certificate's public key as a JWK object.
 * @property {function(string): string} decryptWithPrivateKey decrypts the given string using the site certificate's private key.
 * @property {function(string): string} encryptWithPrivateKey encrypts the given string using the site certificate's private key.

 * Contains information about SAML Single Sign-On (SSO).
 * @typedef {Object} SingleSignOn
 * @property {Boolean} enabled Is SAML SSO enabled?
 * @property {String} path Path under which SAML requests are processed (usually /SAML).
 * @property {IdentityProvider[]} identityProviders Array of SAML IDPs (IDentity Providers).

 * Contains information about an SAML IDP (IDentity Provider)
 * @typedef {Object} IdentityProvider
 * @property {String} name Name of the IDP.
 * @property {String} id Identifier of the IDP (usually its URL).

 * Public key information.
 * @typedef {Object} PublicKeyInfo
 * @property {String} type The algorithm of the key:  DSA, RSA, ECDSAsha2Nistp256, ECDSAsha2Nistp384 or ECDSAsha2Nistp512. 
 * @property {String} fingerprint The fingerprint of the key.
 * @property {String} encodedKey The same key encoded in OpenSSH format (no comment included).