edtFTPnet/PRO - Secure FTP component for .NET | Free Trial | Pricing

The ExFTPClient type exposes the following members.


Public methodExFTPClient
Initializes a new instance of the ExFTPClient class


Protected methodAbort
Abort the current action.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodAccount
Supply account information string to the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodCancelResume
Cancel the resume. Use this method if something goes wrong and the server is left in an inconsistent state
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodCancelTransfer
Cancels the current transfer.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodCdUp
Change the remote working directory to the parent directory.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodChDir
Change the remote working directory to that supplied.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Protected methodCloseDataSocket(Stream) (Inherited from FTPClient.)
Protected methodCloseDataSocket(StreamReader) (Inherited from FTPClient.)
Protected methodCloseDataSocket(StreamWriter) (Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodConnect
Connects to the FTP server.
(Overrides FTPClient..::..Connect()()()().)
Public methodDebugResponses
Switch debug of responses on or off
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodDelete
Delete the specified remote file.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodDir()()()()
List current directory's contents as an array of strings of filenames.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodDir(String)
List a directory's contents as an array of strings of filenames.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodDir(String, Boolean)
List a directory's contents as an array of strings.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodDirDetails()()()()
List the current directory's contents as an array of FTPFile objects.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodDirDetails(String)
List a directory's contents as an array of FTPFile objects.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodDirDetails(String, Boolean)
Returns the given directory's contents and optionally that of its subdirectories as an array of FTPFile objects.
Public methodDirDetails(String, FTPFileCallback)
List a directory's contents as an array of FTPFile objects.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodEnableModeZCompression
Set MODE Z so that all subsequent transfers are compressed. Not supported by some servers
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExists
Checks for the existence of a file on the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodFeatures
Get the server supplied features.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGet(String)
Get data from the FTP server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodGet(Stream, String)
Get data from the FTP server, using the currently set transfer mode.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodGet(String, String)
Get data from the FTP server using the currently set transfer mode.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetInputStream (Overrides FTPClient..::..GetInputStream()()()().)
Public methodGetLocalCRC
Get the CRC-32 checksum for the named local file
Protected methodGetOutputStream (Overrides FTPClient..::..GetOutputStream()()()().)
Public methodGetRemoteCRC
Get the CRC-32 checksum for the named remote file
Public methodGetSystem
Get the type of the OS at the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHelp
Get the help text for the specified command
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodKillControlChannel (Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodLogin
Login into an account on the FTP server using the user-name and password provided.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMkDir
Create the specified remote working directory.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodModTime
Get modification time for a remote file.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodMultipleDelete(String)
Delete multiple files in the current remote directory
Public methodMultipleDelete(FileFilter)
Delete multiple files in the current remote directory
Public methodMultipleDelete(String, FileFilter, Boolean)
Delete multiple files in the current remote directory and its subdirectories.
Public methodMultipleDelete(String, String, Boolean)
Delete multiple files in the current remote directory and its subdirectories.
Public methodMultipleDeleteDirectories
Remove a remote directory, and all its files and its subdirectories
Public methodMultipleGet(String, FileFilter)
Get multiple files into the specified local directory from the current remote directory
Public methodMultipleGet(String, String)
Get multiple files into the specified local directory from the current remote directory
Public methodMultipleGet(String, String, FileFilter, Boolean)
Get multiple files from the specified remote directory into the specified local directory
Public methodMultipleGet(String, String, String, Boolean)
Get multiple files from the specified remote directory into the specified local directory
Public methodMultiplePut(String, FileFilter)
Put multiple files from the specified local directory into the current remote directory
Public methodMultiplePut(String, String)
Put multiple files from the specified local directory into the current remote directory
Public methodMultiplePut(String, String, FileFilter, Boolean)
Put multiple files from the specified local directory into the specified remote directory
Public methodMultiplePut(String, String, String, Boolean)
Put multiple files from the specified local directory into the specified remote directory
Public methodNoOperation
Send a "no operation" message that does nothing, which can be called periodically to prevent the connection timing out.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodPassword
Supplies the password for a previously supplied user-name to log into the FTP server. Must be preceeded by the User(String) method
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodPut(array<Byte>[]()[][], String)
Put data onto the FTP server in the current directory.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodPut(Stream, String)
Put a stream of data onto the FTP server in the current directory.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodPut(String, String)
Put a local file onto the FTP server in the current directory.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodPut(array<Byte>[]()[][], String, Boolean)
Put data onto the FTP server in the current directory. Allows appending if current file exists.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodPut(Stream, String, Boolean)
Put a stream of data onto the FTP server in the current directory. Allows appending if current file exists
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodPut(String, String, Boolean)
Put a local file onto the FTP server in the current directory. Allows appending if current file exists.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodPwd
Get the current remote working directory.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodQuit
Quit the FTP session by sending a QUIT command before closing the socket.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodQuitImmediately
Quit the FTP session immediately by closing the control socket without sending the QUIT command.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodQuote
Issue arbitrary ftp commands to the FTP server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodRename
Rename a file or directory.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodRestart
Set the REST marker so that the next transfer doesn't start at the beginning of the remote file
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodResume
Make the next file transfer (put or get) resume.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodResumeDownload
Make the next download resume at a specific point.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodRmDir
Delete the specified remote working directory.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodSetModTime
Sets the modification time of a remote file.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodSite
Run a site-specific command on the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodSize
Get the size of a remote file.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodTestConnection
Tests the connection
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnlock
Unlock the software for use. This method should be used when a configuration file isn't available
Public methodUser
Supply the user-name to log into an account on the FTP server. Must be followed by the Password(String) method. Note that Connect()()()() must be called first.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public methodValidateTransfer
Validate that the Put() or get() was successful.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Protected methodValidateTransferOnError
Validate a transfer when an error has occurred on the data channel. Set a very short transfer in case things have hung. Set it back at the end.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)


Protected fieldkey
License key
Protected fieldlogTag
Logging tag
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Protected fieldnoOperationInterval
Interval for NOOP calls during large transfers in seconds
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Protected fieldowner
License owner
Protected fieldsocks
SOCKS settings
Protected fieldthrottler
Threshold for throttling
(Inherited from FTPClient.)


Public propertyActiveIPAddress
Force the PORT command to send a fixed IP address, used only for certain firewalls
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyActivePortRange
Port range for active mode, used only if it is necessary to limit the ports to a narrow range specified in a firewall
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyAutoPassiveIPSubstitution
Use AutoPassiveIPSubstitution to ensure that data-socket connections are made to the same IP address that the control socket is connected to.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyCloseStreamsAfterTransfer
If true then streams are closed after a transfer has completed.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyConnected
Is the client currently connected?
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyConnectMode
The connection-mode (passive or active) of data-channels.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyControlEncoding
The encoding to use when dealing with file and directory paths.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyControlPort
The port on the server to which to connect the control-channel.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyCountBeforeSleep
Number of transfers before going to sleep
Public propertyDataEncoding
The encoding to use for data when transferring in ASCII mode.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyDeleteOnFailure
Controls whether or not a file is deleted when a failure occurs.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyDetectTransferMode
If set to true, the transfer mode in operations involving multiple files is automatically changed between ASCII and binary as appropriate.
Public propertyDirectoryEmptyMessages
Holds fragments of server messages that indicate a directory is empty
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyFileNotFoundMessages
Holds fragments of server messages that indicate a file was not found
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyForceConnectModeExtensions
Force the use of EPRT and EPSV extensions even for IPv4
Public propertyFTPFileFactory
Override the chosen file factory with a user created one - meaning that a specific parser has been selected.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyIsConnected
Indicates whether the client is currently connected with the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyIsResuming
Returns true if the next transfer is to be resumed (i.e. Resume()()()() has been called).
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyLastBytesTransferred
The number of bytes transferred in the last transfer operation.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyLastFileTransferred
The remote name/path of the last file transferred.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyLastValidReply
The latest valid reply from the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyLicenseKey
The license key string.
Public propertyLicenseOwner
The license owner string.
Public propertyLogTag
Log tag
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyMaxTransferRate
The maximum transfer rate in bytes per sec
Public propertyParsingCulture
The culture for parsing file listings.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyProxySettings
Settings for using proxies.
Public propertyRemoteHost
The domain-name or IP address of the FTP server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyServerWakeupInterval
The interval in seconds that the server is sent a wakeup message during large transfers.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyShowHiddenFiles
Include hidden files in operations that involve listing of directories, and if supported by the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertySleepEnabled
Enabling or not of sleeping after a certain number of transfers
Public propertySleepTime
Number of seconds spent asleep
Public propertySocksContext Obsolete.
Controls SOCKS integration.
Public propertyStrictReturnCodes
Controls whether or not checking of return codes is strict.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertySynchronizePassiveConnections
For cases where your FTP server does not properly manage PASV connections, it may be necessary to synchronize the creation of passive data sockets. It has been reported that some FTP servers (such as those at Akamai) appear to get confused when multiple FTP clients from the same IP address attempt to connect at the same time. The default value for SynchronizePassiveConnections is false.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyTimeDifference
Time difference between server and client (relative to client).
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyTimeIncludesSeconds
Indicates whether seconds were included in the most recent directoy listing.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyTimeout
TCP timeout on the underlying sockets, in milliseconds.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyTransferBufferSize
The size of the buffers (in bytes) used in writing to and reading from the data-sockets.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyTransferCompleteMessages
Holds fragments of server messages that indicate a transfer completed.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyTransferNotifyInterval
The number of bytes transferred between each notification of the BytesTransferred event.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyTransferNotifyListings
By default the BytesTransferred event is not triggered during directory listings - this property can be used to enable this behaviour.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyTransferType
The current file transfer type (BINARY or ASCII).
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public propertyWelcomeMessage
Server welcome message.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)


Public eventBytesTransferred
Event triggered every time TransferNotifyInterval bytes transferred.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public eventCommandError
Occurs when there is an error while a command was being sent or a reply was being received.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public eventCommandSent
Triggered every time a command is sent to the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public eventReplyReceived
Triggered every time a reply is received from the server.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public eventTransferComplete Obsolete.
Notifies of the completion of a transfer.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public eventTransferCompleteEx
Notifies of the completion of a transfer, and supplies more details than TransferComplete
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public eventTransferStarted Obsolete.
Notifies of the start of a transfer.
(Inherited from FTPClient.)
Public eventTransferStartedEx
Notifies of the start of a transfer, and supplies more details than TransferStarted
(Inherited from FTPClient.)

See Also