Key Classes

API Documentation presents in-depth programmer's information on each class of the library. For more task-oriented documentation please refer to the How to section. Advice on obtaining technical support is given in Getting Help.

edtFTPj/PRO consists of classes that implement specific file transfer protocols, as well as multi-protocol clients that support all protocols. Classes are described below:

Class Description
SecureFileTransferClient File transfer client that supports multiple protocols (FTP, SFTP and FTPS) and permits concurrent FTP operations via a connection pool.
AsyncFileTransferClient File transfer client that subclasses SecureFileTransferClient, adding asynchronous file transfer operations.
FTPClient Supports "plain" FTP, i.e. RFC 959 FTP.
SSLFTPClient Supports FTPS (sometimes known as FTP over SSL).
SCPClient Supports SCP (secure copy).
SSHFTPClient Supports SFTP (secure transfers using SSH).
ProFTPClient Supports "plain" FTP. Supports directory transfers and IPV6.