JSS API Reference

CompleteFTP is highly customizable allowing users to extend its inbuilt functionality using JSS, as well as .NET assemblies, batch scripts, Powershell scripts and executables.

JSS (Javascript Server-Side) is the name given to CompleteFTP's scripting environment. It includes a Javascript language interpreter and an API for integrating with CompleteFTP as well as performing common tasks.

Applications of JSS

JSS may be used to implement:


The JSS API is the set of functions, services and classes available for integrating with CompleteFTP and for performing common operations, such as HTTP requests, sending e-mails and access databases.

JSS API Services

JSS API services in CompleteFTP are global objects containing properties and functions. Their names start with a lower-case letter, e.g. console, http, mail. Since they are global objects, they may be used without first instantiating an object. For example, the statement, console.log("Hello"), logs a message to the CompleteFTP logs. The services are listed in the left side-bar.

JSS API Classes

JSS API classes provide features such as FTP/SFTP clients, virtual file-system access and database access. The names of JSS API classes begin with an upper-case letter.
The classes are listed in the left side-bar.

JSS API Functions

The JSS API provides two global functions: include and publish. These allow the developer to reuse code between script files and control which functions are exposed via RPC.

Integrating with .NET

JSS offers two methods of integrating with .NET:

ECMAScript compliance

JSS's Javascript interpreter is compliant with ECMAScript 3 (ES3), but includes some ES5 features such as inbuilt JSON support, and extra methods on Array, Date and String objects.



