Authenticator Class Reference

Class: Authenticator

Authentication extensions must extend this class. Only CheckUserName and Authenticate must be overridden. The only job of CheckUserName is to set userInfo.IsValidUserName to true if the user-name (userInfo.UserName) is valid. Authenticate must set userInfo.IsCorrectPassword to true if the password (authInfo.Password) is correct for the given user-name (userInfo.UserName). Alternatively, userInfo.IsValidKey must be true if public key authentication is being attempted. If the home folder of the template user (usually defaultExtension - see below) is set to %ExternalHomeFolder% the value of HomeDirectory should be set to the path of the Windows directory that you wish to be the home of the user.

By default, users that are authenticated by authenticator extensions use the defaultExtension as a 'template user'. This allows the administrator to set the properties (e.g. permissions) of these users using the CompleteFTP Manager. The user that is used as a template can be changed by overriding the TemplateUserName. This property should return the name of the user that is to be used as a template.

The value of the Configuration field entered in the Manager is accessible via the ExtensionConfiguration property.

LoadedUserInfo LoadUserInfo(IUserInfo suppliedUserInfo)
Return an object containing the loaded user details if the user-name (userInfo.UserName) is valid. This method is called automatically in the default implementation of CheckUserName.
void CheckUserName(IUserInfo userInfo)
Set userInfo.IsValidUserName to true if the user-name (userInfo.UserName) is valid.
void Authenticate(IAuthenticationInfo authInfo)
Set userInfo.IsCorrectPassword to true if the password (authInfo.Password) is correct for the given user-name (userInfo.UserName). Or, if public key authentication is being used, set userInfo.IsValidKey to true if the key details supplied in the IAuthenticationInfo are valid. If the home folder of the template user (usually default_external - see above) is set to %ExternalHomeFolder% the value of HomeDirectory should be set to the path of the Windows directory that you wish to be the home of the user.
void Initialize(IPlugInInfo info)
Perform any required initialization that your extension requires.
void Dispose()
Perform any clean-up that your extension requires.
string LogInAsUserName
Optionally override this property to set a template user other than default_external (see above)
string ExtensionName
Name of the extension entered in the CompleteFTP Manager.
Guid ExtensionID
Identifier of the extension.
string ExtensionConfiguration
Configuration entered for the extension in CompleteFTP Manager.

Class: LoadedUserInfo

string HomeDirectory
The user's home directory if available.
List<byte[]> DSAPublicKeys
The list of DSA public key blobs for this user. Each key is a byte array of the standard OpenSSH or SECSH formats for public keys.
List<byte[]> RSAPublicKeys
The list of RSA public key blobs for this user. Each key is a byte array of the standard OpenSSH or SECSH formats for public keys.
string PasswordHash
The MD5 hash of the user's password
string PasswordSalt
The salt prepended to the user's password prior to the MD5 hash. This can be null if a salt has not been used.
string Password
Setter only to set the user's password. This populates the PasswordHash field.
bool MustChangePassword
Set to true if the user must change their password
List<string> Groups
Names of groups of which the user is a member (in addition to those of the log-in-as user).

Interface: IUserInfo

string UserName
User-name that the client is presenting.
string Protocol
Protocol that the client connect with
IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint
Client's IP address and port-number.
IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint
IP address and port-number that the client connected to
X509Certificate2 ClientCertificate
SSL certificate presented by the client. The value will be null for all cases except where all of the following are true:
  1. the protocol is FTPS or HTTPS
  2. CompleteFTP is configured to require client certificates
  3. the client certificate has already been validated via the Windows Certificate Store
bool IsValidUserName
Set to true if the user-name is valid.
string SiteName
Name of site that is requesting authentication
Guid SiteID
Identifier of site that is requesting authentication. To obtain the ID for a given site you need to look at the log file; the ID is logged each time a site is started.
List<string> Groups
Names of groups of which the user is a member (in addition to those of the log-in-as user).
string HomeDirectory
Home folder override

Interface: IAuthenticationInfo

IAuthenticationInfo extends IUserInfo so it has all the properties of IUserInfo plus:

string Password
Password that the client is presenting.
Set to true if the password is correct for the given user.
bool MustChangePassword
Set to true if the user must change their password.
bool IsValidKey
Set to true if public key authentication is successful for the given user.
AuthenticationMethod AuthenticationMethod
Authentication being used.
PublicKeyAlgorithm KeyAlgorithm
Provides the public key algorithm used if this is public key authentication.
byte[] KeyCheckData
Provides the key check data if this is public key authentication. To authenticate using public key authentication, the client uses its private key to sign a block of data, producing SignatureBlob which is sent to the server. The server calculates the same block of data (the KeyCheckData) and verifies using the stored copy of the client's public key that SignatureBlob was indeed produced by the client signing the same block of data with its private key. The contents of KeyCheckData are defined in RFC 4252 Section 7.
byte[] SignatureBlob
Provides the signature blob if this is public key authentication. See KeyCheckData.
X509Certificate2 ClientCertificate
SSL certificate presented by the client. The value will be null for all cases except where all of the following are true:
  1. the protocol is FTPS or HTTPS
  2. CompleteFTP is configured to require client certificates
  3. the client certificate has already been validated via the Windows Certificate Store

Interface: IPlugIn

Name of plug-in as entered in CompleteFTP Manager.
Configuration entered by administrator.