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Tue May 18, 2004 8:30 am

[ANN] edtFTPj/PRO 1.2.3 released

by support2 » Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:42 pm

Enterprise Distributed Technologies is happy to announce the immediate
release of edtFTPj/PRO 1.2.3, which is an enhanced version of edtFTPj
that supports multiple and recursive file operations, FTPS (FTP over SSL),
and SFTP (FTP via SSH).

This release has added

* Fixed bug where SSHFTPClient could hang if connection broken or server error
* Added loadClientKeyFile & loadRootCertificates variations that use an InputStream to load
* Added setMaxPacketSize() to SSHFTPClient
* Now accepts 230 reply for initial connection (returned by some proxy servers)
* Fixed flush bug in StandardOutputAppender

See ... rview.html

for more details.

Existing customers with a current support agreement (normally valid for
at least 12 months from purchase) can email us (support at enterprisedt
dot com) for a free upgrade.

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